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13 paper organizing tips to help you eliminate paper overwhelm and reduce papers
13 paper organizing tips to help you eliminate paper overwhelm
Meet Jill, your instructor (0:58)
Tip One: Reduce junk mail (1:32)
Tip Two: Electronic statements (1:38)
Tip Three: Automatic bill pay (2:40)
Tip Four: Do this everyday (1:43)
Tip Five: Requests from non-profits (2:32)
Tip Six: Magazines (3:21)
Tip Seven: What to shred (4:24)
Tip Eight: Set rules (2:49)
Tip Nine: Making decisions (3:51)
Tip Ten: How to start on the backlog (3:11)
Tip Eleven: Active file system (7:30)
Tip Twelve: Reference files (5:30)
Tip Thirteen: Maintain paper freedom (2:03)
Stay in touch (1:15)
Actions to take to reduce papers handout
Paper reduction flow chart handout
Places to start eliminating papers
Places to start eliminating papers
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